Tag Archives: news

Barks or bites – changes to L.A. animal control law

For many dogs, barking is part of their job description; they bark to warn off intruders and to keep their human and animal family members safe. But spending a little too much time on the job can land the pet and their owner in the dog house, at least for some living in Southern California.

On Tuesday the Los Angeles City Council amended the city’s existing law about barking dogs. The original version, similar to statutes in Sacramento and other cities across the country, referred to “excessive barking” without explaining exactly how much is too much.

The amended version defines barking for ten minutes, or for 30 minutes during a three-hour period, to be excessive.

The first citation issued to the owner of an excessively barking dog in the city of L.A. now comes with a minimum penalty of $250.00; by the third citation the cost is up to a minimum of $1,000.00.

By contrast, L.A. County’s barking dog statute carries penalties for the owner of up to six months in jail on misdemeanor public nuisance charges.

Some complaints are true cases of disturbing the peace; other complaints appear to be made for the sole purpose of getting a disliked neighbor in trouble. Regardless, the complaint and resolution process requires a large amount of time on the part of an Animal Control Officer (ACO).

City of Sacramento Chief Animal Control Officer Dan Torres says that the staffing needed for such complaints locally is “a resource I don’t have”.

Torres leads a team of seven ACOs handling issues in the city, far below the 22 to 30 officers needed for the area according to a study done in 2000 by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

The population of the city has grown by more than 60,000 residents since that determination was made.

Funding cut-backs have caused the low number of ACOs for the city, but the number of issues they need to handle has done nothing but grow.

Torres says that the most critical issue that City ACOs must respond to is dog or cat bites, due to the possibility of fatal rabies infections. Next are reports of “loose, aggressive strays at schools”, another immediate and serious safety concern.

Then there are sick and injured animals on the roadways, coyotes, raccoons and skunks in residential areas, potential abuse and cruelty cases, strays on the street, getting animals out of locked vehicles, transporting injured strays and wildlife for veterinary care, removing deceased animals and assisting the Police, Fire Department, Highway Patrol, SPCA and Sacramento County Animal Services with larger cases. Just to name a few.

Oh, and complaints about barking dogs. Many hours of an ACO’s time must be used for the investigation, follow-up and required paperwork of a barking dog complaint, particularly if an appeal is filed by the pet owner.

Each Sacramento City ACO is responsible for a specific area and each officer’s typical day starts with a list of 40-60 calls they must respond to. More issues and complaints come in throughout the day and night.

It is understandable then, why complaints about how much noise an animal is making had to be looked into after public health and safety issues are handled.

As of July 1, 2011 City complaints about barking dogs are routed to Sacramento Mediation Services; doing it in-house was simply a poor use of very limited resources.

Unless Los Angeles has a full contingent of Animal Control staff and a small number of issues to handle – which are highly unlikely – the newly amended barking dog law may not help solve any problems.

Click here for tips from the City of Sacramento Animal Shelter on how to help your dog bark less.

Sacramento’s Catch 22 – either way too much or way too little

Today the Sacramento Pet Food Bank is little more than a bare floor with dusty corners, as its stock of pet food, cat litter, collars and pet beds is all gone. On the flip side, the Sacramento County animal shelter – one of the groups that help coordinate the food bank – is full to bursting with adoptable animals.

Having far too much and far too little is a very bad combination, particularly with these two organizations.

When times are tough economically, more people give up their pets because they simply can’t afford to care for them. A large number of those animals ultimately end up at the Sacramento County and City animal shelters.

In too many cases the animals have not been spayed or neutered, so the shelters end up with entire pet families to handle and find homes for. Adopters, of course, are hard to come by because of the very same financial woes that filled the shelters in the first place.

Talk about a Catch-22. 

The biggest concern is that this no-win situation keeps multiplying.

The volunteer-run Pet Food Bank, also known as Titanic’s Pantry, gives pet food and supplies to people who need some help economically. The hope is that those people can then keep their pets rather than having the animals end up in a shelter.

Everything the Pet Food Bank gives out is donated by members of the community or by local businesses. Unfortunately business is slow for many people and work is hard to find – so the food bank can barely get enough donations to stay open.

With less pet food available from the food bank, more people give up their pets and take them to shelters. With fewer people able to afford pet care, there are fewer pets adopted from the shelters.

With more animals and less adopters, employees at public shelters are forced to do the thing they hate the most – they must euthanize healthy, loving animals.

The Pet Food Bank and the Sacramento County shelter need help today. They are asking people to donate what they can, even just a little bit of pet food, supplies or money to buy them. Every bag of kibble helps to keep a pet with their family instead of a shelter.

And if you can provide a loving home to a pet or two, please visit the shelter or check out their adoptable animals on Petfinder. 

Let’s work together to reverse those numbers and have empty shelters and fully stocked food banks.

A thank-you gift for veterans and their pets

There are many reasons to be thankful for two of the mainstays of American life; our soldiers and our pets. Companion animals help bring us peace of mind, and regardless of one’s politic leanings, soldiers help bring us peace.

This Veteran’s Day, the Sacramento County Animal Shelter is offering a truly unique opportunity to honor both.

Armed forces veterans and current service personnel are invited to have a professional portrait taken of them with their beloved animals. Each participant will receive a 5×7 print of their portrait.

There is no fee for the portrait; the shelter is simply asking for a donation of pet food, blankets, pet toys, or money, anything that would benefit the shelter animals. Service members and their families are also welcome to participate without a pet being present.

The portraits will be taken by Dr. Nicole McArthur, who is not only a veterinarian and professional photographer but is a dedicated volunteer at the Sacramento County Animal Shelter. 

McArthur says that print will be either mailed or available for pick up at the shelter 2-3 weeks after the event.
 “We want to do something special for those who are and have served our country,”says Dave Dickinson, Interim Director of the shelter. “We are officially closed that day because of the national holiday, but we have dedicated people who are volunteering to provide this service.”

  • Vets and Pets portraits
  • Friday, November 11
  • 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
  • Sacramento County Animal Shelter
  • 3839 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento 
  • 916-368-7387

Being a “senior” at age 1 or age 55

Public perception of the word “senior” has changed significantly over the years, or at least it has for many baby boomers. A person now technically considered a senior may have simply reached age 55, and a senior dog may still be growing into his huge puppy feet.

While being labeled a senior may not normally please those in the 55+ set, this month it is a great age to be. November is officially “Adopt a Senior Pet Month” and the City of Folsom Animal Shelter near Sacramento is proving that being a senior definitely has its benefits.

During November, people 55 or older can adopt any cat or dog that is at least one year old for the small sum of 55 cents.

Beloved pets can get lost; no matter how determined the owner is to keep them indoors or in a fenced yard. To help insure the animal’s safe return home, new owners also need to get a pet license ($15 per year) at the time of adoption.

Cindy Walden, Animal Services Officer for the Folsom shelter, came up with the 55-cent promotion after speaking with a senior volunteer. The long-term, experienced volunteer wanted to adopt a cat but expressed that the upfront costs often make it difficult.

Pets are essentially part of a health plan” for seniors says Walden, recognizing the positive physical and emotional health benefits of pet ownership.

However, between the poor economy and living on limited or fixed incomes, many seniors have trouble coming up with the funds to cover high adoption fees, pet deposits for landlords and the basic supplies needed for a new animal.

Walden stresses that the November program is geared towards people like the shelter volunteer, who can afford to pay for a pet’s feeding, care and health on a long term basis. The 55-cent promotion simply helps with the start-up costs.

To see some of the animals currently up for adoption, click here or visit the shelter website by clicking here.

Adoptable animals from the shelter have been spayed (females) or neutered (males), received their basic vaccinations and have been microchipped and tested for heartworm and other potential health issues.

Adopting a cat has one additional benefit; the shelter will provide a free cat carrier that converts into a pet bed.

The 55-cent promotion lasts through November, and the shelter is hosting a special open house event this Sunday, November 13, 2011 from 8:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M.

  • City of Folsom Animal Shelter – located inside Blue Ravine Animal Hospital
  • 1770 Prairie City Road, Folsom
  • Open House on Sunday, November 13, 2011- 8:00 A.M .to 2:00 P.M.
  • Normal shelter hours are:
  • Monday through Friday – 8:00 A.M .to 6:00 P.M.
  • Saturday – 9:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M.
  • For more information, call (916) 984-0990.

City shelter cats win big at international show, part 2

At a recent sanctioned competition put on by The International Cat Association (TICA), adoptable animals from the City of Sacramento animal shelter beat many seasoned show cats in both the judges’ rings and the public’s hearts. The shelter earned high praise from officials for the health, cleanliness and socialization that the cats had received in the City’s care.  

The two-day show, titled “Haunted Weekend”, was put on by Jazzy Cats, the local chapter of TICA. Two nonprofit rescue groups are invited to every Jazzy Cats show, but none have received the overwhelming compliments that the City shelter did at the early October competition.

Government-run shelters like the one operated by the City of Sacramento are often viewed as simply being dog catchers and the place that animals go to be euthanized. But having creative and inspired leadership at such a shelter offers the opportunity to do widespread good for the community.

The City ofSacramento currently has the leadership, staff, volunteers and motivation to do exactly that. Just ask Lori Topete, who came to the recent Jazzy Cats show with her family.

Topete and her husband have worked hard to teach their three young children how to be gentle and caring pet owners. This has been no small feat with 4-year-old Demitri, who Topete says is “our high energy kid”, known for bouncing off the walls.

Having recently lost their longtime elderly cat, the family was looking to bring a new feline into the fold. They fell in love with Abigail, a lovely adult black cat with shiny fur and soft golden eyes.

Their only concern was whether Abigail could handle the explosive energy and enthusiasm of young Demitri.  

A shelter volunteer placed Abigail in the 4-year-old’s lap and stood by to make sure the cat didn’t run off. Sitting with a small fidgety child in a noisy pavilion filled with 1,000 people and hundreds of other animals is not the type of thing that most cats would handle calmly.

Unless, that is, you are a well-socialized City shelter cat named Abigail.

She and Demitri sat cuddling in the chair for over 15 minutes. She purred adoringly even when the boy petted her hair in the wrong direction and the two stayed mesmerized by one another the whole time.

The Topetes were amazed not only that she could not only handle Demitri, but that he actually sat still for that long. They joyfully did the adoption paperwork to insure that Abigail could come home with them once she show was over and she had been spayed.

Lori Topete said they had been looking for a new cat for some time, but had never seen cats that were as social and loving as the ones fromSacCity. They had been drawn to many of the City cats at the event, but Abigail had sealed the deal with her interaction with Demitri.

With show results still being tabulated, the City shelter cats definitely earned 50 awards during the 2-day competition. And while Abigail herself only won a few, she scored the best award of all by finding the perfect forever home.

More details and photos will be available in part 3 of this story.

City shelter cats win big at international show, part 2

Attendees at the Jazzy Cats cat show on Sunday were shocked by Caden, the kitten that won Best in Show in the Household Pet category. The shock was not that the beautiful lynx-point Siamese won the top prize, but that he was an adoptable kitten from the City of Sacramento animal shelter. 

The two-day show, titled “Haunted Weekend”, is a sanctioned event put on by the local chapter of The International Cat Association(TICA). The association has thousands of members in clubs in Latin America, North America, Asia, and Europe.

An even bigger surprise to the judges, spectators and cat exhibitors was that other City shelter cats won as well. Won frequently and in many categories.

TICA shows include both pedigreed and household pets (HHP) competitions; HHP cats are judged primarily on condition, beauty, and show presence.

Two local rescue groups are chosen to bring adoptables to every Jazzy Cats show; the cats actually compete in the show to let them be seen by more people and hence have a better chance to be adopted.

One rescue group had agreed a month earlier to bring cats to the show. Each animal was entered into specific competitions based on various combinations of their age, hair length, color pattern and breed.

Then 24 hours before the event, show organizer Gloria Mahan found that the group could not come after all. This put Mahan is a very tough position, as other show cats had been excluded from the competition to make room for the rescue cats.

Not to mention that Mahan had donated over $200.00 out of her own pocket to enter the adoptables into the show.

Thankfully City of Sacramento Animal Care Services and shelter manager Gina Knepp stepped in to save the day.  Within two hours they had identified 12 shelter cats and kittens that could fill the very specific categories needed for the show.

The other HHP cats and kittens that competed were professional show animals that were trained, highly groomed and used to being handled and shown in front of hundreds of strangers.

By contrast, the City contestants came straight from the shelter each morning, without being groomed and having never seen – much less participated – in a cat show.

The City cats chosen to attend the show were the same as their shelter-mates; none had been socialized more or had been better taken care of than the others.

Ultimately there was one difference; the felines that stayed behind at the shelter had never competed in a show, while the ones that did won a total of 50 awards.

One TICA-certified judge in the competition, Alexandra Chisholm, even wrote a letter praising the City shelter for having the cleanest, friendliest and most “amazingly well socialized” cats she has ever seen from a shelter.

Chisholm, an official judge for the international association since 2005, said the city shelter is to be “highly commended for the care” of the cats.

The best news from the show is that none of the 12 City shelter participants will ever be without a home again. Ten were adopted at the show and the other two were accepted into a nonprofit rescue group; they will be fostered until permanent homes can be found.

Another sign of the excellent care that cats have received since Knepp took over the shelter; one of the cats was adopted by Judge Chisholm, another by show director Mahan and a third by an exhibitor who shows his cats professionally.

More details and photos will be available in part 2 of this story.

Celebrate “less adoptable” pets part 3 – Survivors


This weekend’s airplane crash at the Reno air show killed ten people; thankfully 60 others are alive, although injured. Actor Christopher Reeve lived nine busy years after an accident caused him to be a paraplegic. Halle Berry, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Ella Fitzgerald and Drew Barrymore are just a few of the millions of people who have lived productive lives in spite of previous physical, sexual and emotional abuse.    

What do they all have in common? They are all survivors of tragedy, whether perpetrated by the hands of people, nature or pure chance. Look around Sacramento and you will find plenty of inspirational humans who have survived trauma, but what about animals? 

Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about pets that survive disastrous circumstances, but there are many of them out there. Long-term survival for them means finding someone kind to take care of them.

Caring for a survivor – human or animal – takes a person with a capacity for tremendous love. The rewards, however, are rich and lasting. 

This week Petfinder.com is celebrating “Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week”, encouraging the adoption of pets that a bit more challenging to find homes for.  View the slide show at http://tiny.cc/ljsp9  to see just a few of them in the Sacramento area.

For example, Chloe is a 3-year-old Lab mix currently living at the non-profit Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary.  She is a lovely playful young dog, but has a scar from an acid burn on her back. It likely occurred at the hand of a human; could yours be the human hand that pulls her up into a permanent, happy home? To learn more click here.

Then there is Lucy, at Born Free USA. The sweet Chihuahua is only one to two years old, but was literally thrown away by her owners after a spinal cord injury left her a paraplegic. Linda Wolfe with Born Free says that Lucy is very active anyway, adores people and loves playing with dogs and other cats. Lucy, she says, “has no idea that she has limitations” so she doesn’t let anything slow her down. For more information on Lucy, email Linda at linda@bornfreeusa.org.

Buster is a cream and milk chocolate Ragamuffin cat that is adoptable from SOCKS (Save Our Cats & Kittens-Sensibly); one of his gorgeous blue eyes is scarred. Does that make him less worthy of a good home? If you think so, send an email to save.r.cats@sbcglobal.net

What about Honey? She is a lovely tawny-colored blind terrier that “navigates, plays and explores using all of her other senses”, according to Gina Knepp with the City of Sacramento Animal Shelter. For more info, click here.

Or Myka, a stunning Tortoiseshell Point Siamese/Turkish Angora kitten, who lost a back foot to an infection? Foster-mom Laurel Fagan says that Mika does perfectly well on three feet, suggesting that she is “footless, but fancy free”. To learn more about Mika, visit here.

There are many other wonderful animals that could be your perfect pet; stay tuned for information on during “Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week”.

Celebrate “less adoptable” pets – Batu and Nix


Go to any playground or workplace from Sacramentoto Shanghaiand you’ll find at least one “golden child”, someone who shines in every way. They seem to get all of the best opportunities, are picked first for every team, invited to every party and appreciated for all of their efforts.

Then there are the rest of us “normal” people.

We are the fun, hardworking folks who keep the world operating; we are the sum total of our experiences, tend to get a bit creaky as we age and have some scars from a lifetime of, well, living.

Today is the first day of Petfinder’s “Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week”, a celebration of pets that are a bit more challenging for which to find homes. 

Some are a bit older or need a little extra assistance due to health issues, while others simply have fur that comes in a less popular color or have lived a difficult life. But they can be wonderful and loving additions to your family and Sacramento area animal shelters have plenty to choose from.

Meet Batu, a beautiful one year old terrier mix. Batu is something of a television star, although not in a way that the sweet, loving dog would have chosen. He was part of a hoarder case inLucerneValley where around 300 dogs were confiscated; the situation was chronicled on Animal Planet.

While being on television may have brought Batu fame, it unfortunately has not brought him a permanent, loving home. Batu is up for adoption from the Sacramento Independent Animal Rescuers, who note that he will need an understanding and patient adopter.

After the rough time he had at the hands of the hoarder, Batu is still a bit frightened and shy. For more information of Batu, click here.

Pets that are black or black and white are often difficult to find homes for, simply because of old wife’s tales and superstitions about being bad luck. But owners of ebony-hued cats and dogs praise them for their gorgeous glossy coats, great personalities and loving natures.

Nix, a young black cat with a very sweet and silly personality is up for adoption through C.A.T.S. (Cats about Town Society). Unfortunately Nix was also a victim of a hoarder, one of 100 cats removed from a home in deplorable conditions.

 In spite of this Nix is a happy little guy who adores people and other cats and dogs. He would love to have a permanent home that has another cat or two to play with.

For more information on Nix, click here.

Stay tuned for information on more local pets that are looking for homes during “Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week”.


Celebrate “less adoptable” pets – Patches and Sammie


When you imagine a pet that will brighten up your life, is it highly-bred, expensive and perfect in every way? Or is it perhaps a bit less traditional, a bit more quirky or unique?

Tomorrow is the first day of Petfinder’s “Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week”, a celebration of pets that you may not have considered before.  

Some are a bit older or need a little extra assistance due to health issues, while others simply have fur that comes in a less popular color or have lived a difficult life. But they can be wonderful and loving additions to your family and there are many Sacramento-area animal shelters with plenty to choose from.

For example, Patches is a gorgeous calico cat who has had it pretty rough for a while. She was adopted by a young American soldier several years ago and they quickly came to adore one another. When he was later deployed toIraq, Patches went to stay with the soldier’s mother until he came safely home.

But he returned home he had devastating and permanent injuries which made it impossible for him to care for Patches, and then his mother passed away. With deep regret he took Patches to the shelter, hoping desperately that a good home could be found.

Eight months later, Patches still does not have a home. She was saved from euthanasia by LAPCATS, a volunteer-run organization that helps support theSacramentoCounty shelter. But what Patches really needs is a permanent loving home of her own.

Click to learn more about Patches and her soldier.    

Sammie is another “less adoptable” pet, mainly because the 10-year old German Shepherd has arthritis and requires anti-inflammatory supplements. Sammie is up for adoption from Scooter’s Pals, who describe her as an incredibly sweet and delightful companion who does very well with older children and other dogs.

Sammie is not used to cats and is interested in chasing them, so a cat-free home would be best for her. She loves gentle playing and car rides, but is a mellow lady that primarily wants to spend time with her family. She has been spayed and immunized and ready to find her forever home.

Click for more information on Sammie.

Stay tuned for information on more local pets that are looking for homes during “Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week”.

Bunny rab’ts and LAPCATS part 2

This weekend is a great time to find the perfect loving, beautiful pet to adopt for your family. Both LAPCATS and the Sacramento House Rabbit Society are having adoption events to help you meet that special cat or rabbit.  

For more information on the LAPCAT adoption event, click here.

The Sacramento House Rabbit Society will be holding an adoption event at the Petco onArden Way on Saturday, September 10, 2011.

Rabbits make wonderful pets but are not necessarily the appropriate animal for a household with small children, as bunnies need different care than a dog or cat might.

Brandon Chee, a SHRS volunteer, board member and resident web guru, says that the group will be there for adoptions, but also to “educate the public on the care & behavior of these” so-called  “exotic” animals.


The Sacramento House Rabbit Society is a volunteer-run non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and finding forever homes for abandoned rabbits. SHRS is also committed to educating people about the proper care of these unique, intelligent companions.  

The SHRS also has a Facebook fan page and a Twitter site, in order to keep rabbit-lovers aware of local issues and adoptables.

Chee encourages the public to come and meet the fabulous foster rabbits they have for adoption.

All of the rabbits are already spayed (females) or neutered (males) and litter box trained. An adoption fee of $50.00 includes a wonderful, healthy rabbit and a copy of “The House Rabbit Handbook”.  

Current bunny parents are should bring their rabbits to adoption clinics if they are interested in finding a friend for their rabbit.

All current and prospective bunny enthusiasts are welcome to stop by the adoption event for lively conversation, problem-solving and free information on the wonderful world of rabbits.

This adoption event takes place on the second Saturday of each month between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm and the locations may vary by date. 


LAPCATS and bunny rab’ts part 1

Adorable, sweet little fuzzy creatures that are full of love – we all hate them, right?  No, not true at all. And anyone seeking to enrich their family and their lives with a joyful, furry pet will find theSacramentoarea is the best place to be this weekend.

PetSmart stores across the country are celebrating a National Adoption Weekend beginning today and running through Sunday. On those days, every PetSmart store in the US will be hosting animal rescue groups in the hopes of finding permanent loving homes for thousands of pets. 

The PetSmart in Elk Grove will be perfect place to find your dream cat or kitten during this weekend, with adoptables from LAPCATS in attendance.

LAPCATS is a non-profit organization which rescues some of the special felines who have been brought to the Sacramento County Animal Shelter but have not yet found homes.

All cats up for adoption through the group have been screened thoroughly for temperament and health while in the shelter, and while they are in sponsor (foster) care. The sponsor family evaluates the cats to learn their personalities, as well as seeing how the cats react to normal day-to-day situations with other people and pets.

According to Barbara Bowen-Doty, a volunteer with LAPCATS, this is a great weekend to find the ideal pet for you and your family. She particularly hopes to find good homes for “diva cats”, such as Serena, a gorgeous and incredibly loving long-haired tuxedo cat. Serena earned her diva status by expressing her opinion about other felines. 

Bowen-Doty says that Serena “LOVES people but she HATES cats”, so she needs to be the only cat in the family.

To see Serena and other adoptable animals from LAPCATS, click on the slide show.

The Sacramento House Rabbit Society is also having an adoption event this weekend; see part 2 of this story for details.

  • LAPCATS Adoption Weekend
  • Friday September 9 through Sunday September 11, 2011
  • PetSmart – Elk Grove
  • 8215 Laguna Boulevard,Elk Grove,CA95758
  • Friday 12:00pm – 4:00pm
  • Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm
  • Sunday 10:00am – 4:00pm

600,000 US pets impacted by natural disasters this year

September has been declared National Preparedness Month, due in part to the wave of natural disasters which have impacted the lives of so many people across the country. Many organizations are providing guidance on how to protect families and property, but keeping pets and other animals safe is also part of goal.

Tara Diller, of the Municipal Services Agency of Sacramento County says that having enough crates for cats and other pets “is crucial, as you never know when you need to evacuate quickly.”

WhileSacramentois not likely to experience a devastating hurricane or tornado, earthquakes, wind damage, fires and flooding are very real possibilities.

Diller points out the recent situation in the small community ofLincoln, when a rail car with 29,000 gallons of liquid propane caught fire. Nearly 5,000 residents – and their pets — had to be evacuated. The fire “really illustrated the need to have the essentials ready, crates, leashes, pet food, etc.,” says Diller.

The American Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPCA) has estimated that more than 600,000 cats and dogs have been affected by natural disasters nationwide so far this year, and that number does not include the many impacted by Hurricane Irene.

The ASPCA has a number of recommendations for pet owners, including creating an emergency kit that is ready to go with items like pet food, water, bowls, a pet first aid kit, collars and leashes, cleaning supplies and copies of pet medical records.

Not all emergency shelters for people accept pets, so it is important to determine in advance where the animals can be taken. Options may include local animal shelters, motels and family members.

A rescue alert sticker can help emergency responders know how many and what type of animals are in your home, and the ASPCA offers a free sticker on their website. Stickers can often be purchased at pet supply stores as well.

Making sure that pets always wear collars with ID tags is important, but microchipping provides a more permanent way to identify who the animal belongs to.

More valuable information is available at the ASPCA website

Groovy dogs, hot licks, Woofstock is outta sight baby


Bring your tie-dye and love beads but don’t trip out; Sacramento’s Woofstock is a primo party for pets and people. Live music, great food and free activities abound, with fun for everyone from the tiniest Chihuahua to the mightiest Mastiff.   

Energetic pups and people can begin checking in for the Grateful Dog Fun Run/Walk at 8:30am, while others who prefer to relax can enjoy the Weiner Dog Race later in the morning.

A “pawcake” breakfast for people and dogs runs from 6:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. and contests throughout the day include Best Pooch Smooch, Ugliest Dog and Best Tail Wagger.

Drag out your bell-bottoms and fringe and make sure your dog will wear a flower in its hair; you might just be the winners of the 60s costume contest.

Many local animal rescue groups will be represented at the event, including Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary, West Coast Mastiff and Large Breed Rescue, Sacramento Independent Animal Rescuers, Scooter’s Pals and Greyhound Friends for Life.   

Vendors will be on hand with food choices galore and with every type of merchandise imaginable for pets and the people who love them.

Sacramento’s own Cats about Town Society (C.A.T.S.) and HART (Helen’s Animal Rescue Team) will be selling gifts, goodies and low-cost Advantage and Frontline+ flea control products; all proceeds go directly to fund the two groups’ animal services.

Well-behaved, immunized and leashed dogs are welcome to attend the event; although dogs must be at least 6 months old and have current identification (license, tags or microchip), rules about the decorum of their owners has not been specified.

Live music will be provided by Vibro Counts and Rockin’ Down the Hiway.

This year the proceeds from Woofstock will be donated to Chako Pit Bull Rescue, Second Chance Cocker Rescue,  All American Daschund Rescue and The Chester Foundation.  

  • Woofstock 2011
  • Admission is free
  • Sunday August 28
  • 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
  • Johnson – Springview Park
  • 5480 5th St, Rocklin, CA

Doing the math for Black Cat Appreciation Day

Think for a moment – how many people do you know reasonably well in the Sacramento area? Then, how many do you know well enough to ask them to adopt a cat?

Simon has a wide circle of friends and close acquaintances, so he can name 50 people that he is close to. That’s great! His task for the day – convince each one of those 50 people to adopt a cat that is black (or black and white).

Simon knows that black cats are sleek and silky, playful, loving and a lot of fun at parties. Scientists have shown that they may even be less prone to certain serious health problems than cats of other hues.

Unfortunately it is extremely difficult to get black cats adopted, mainly due to ancient superstitions passed down from old wives and old sailors.

So Simon talks his friends into adopting. Success! By getting each of his friends to take one, there are 50 less cats in Sacramento that will have to be euthanized today. Problem solved.

Oh, wait.

More than 200 adoptable black cats are waiting at Sacramento rescues just today, according to Petfinder.com, the preeminent pet adoption site.

And those numbers do not include any black or black/white cats at the City of Sacramento Animal Shelter, the Sacramento County Animal Shelter or the Sacramento SPCA. Those places also probably have more than a few black cats waiting for homes today.

But let’s just focus on those 200+ cats on Petfinder. Do you think Simon could go back to his 50 friends and ask them to each adopt at least another three black cats? After all, everyone wants four or five cats of their own, right?

They all said yes? Simon truly has some GREAT friends. He can rest easy knowing that he has done an amazing, wonderful thing by helping 200 animals find permanent, loving homes.

But Simon can’t sleep; he keeps thinking about the uncounted number of black cats at the three big shelters. He also knows that more cats come to rescue groups every day, so the cages his friends emptied today will be full again within a day or two.

Simon loves black cats and it tears him up to know how many will die tomorrow, next week, and next year.

So Simon is going to help by spreading the word about tomorrow, which is Black Cat Appreciation Day. He’ll share with others his stories of frisky, silly, brave and brilliant felines who come dressed in black and in tuxedos.

He’ll share the attached video, which shows some of the many reasons to appreciate and love black cats.

Simon might also adopt a black cat or two for himself, and will make sure they are spayed or neutered. It won’t fix the problem overnight, but it is a start and is a wonderful way to bring joy to his life and to the life of an animal.

Put a cork in it for a cause


The Sacramento area is a goldmine for those who enjoy fine wine and a great party. Now Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue is offering two chances to bottle your own wine and take it home.

A Golden Vintage”, a fundraiser for the non-profit dog rescue and sanctuary, takes place both this Friday night and on Saturday afternoon of the following week.

The event takes place at Vintner’s Cellar in Rancho Cordova, and includes appetizers, wine tasting,  raffle and door prizes, a silent auction (during the Saturday event) and a Homeward Bound logo wine glass to take home. Guests can enjoy live music while being pampered with complimentary chair massage and hand spa therapy.

A Golden Vintage also gives guests the unique opportunity of bottling their own bottle of wine and creating a custom label for it.  They can then take the bottle home so that it can mature.

Homeward Bound is run solely by volunteers and has rescued over 6,500 Golden Retrievers since it’s inception in 2000. The group has a policy of accepting even dogs and puppies that have medical problems; in many cases the health problems are either the direct cause of or the specific result of their abandonment or surrender by former owners.

Veterinary expenses alone run the non-profit group over $350,000 each year.

  • A Golden Vintage
  • Friday, August 12th, 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
  • Saturday, August 20th, 1:30 – 4:30 pmVintner’s Cellar,
  • 12401 Folsom Blvd (off Hazel and Hwy 50), Rancho Cordova
  • Tickets are $40.00
  • Purchase tickets online at http://www.homewardboundgoldens.org/ or at the door.

America, independence and animals

This weekend we celebrate the amazing achievements of those who brought liberty to this great country of ours. One thing our forefathers fought for was to provide us with the right “to pursue happiness” – and what makes a person happier than pure, true unconditional love?

Sacramento-area animal rescue groups know how you can celebrate that inalienable right. Pursue happiness by offering liberty to a needy animal and providing them with a life full of love.

Americans, Californians, Sacramentans are facing many challenges these days, and we often forget how lucky we are to live where we can exercise our free will.  When that free will is used in a positive, productive and community-affirming manner, our forefathers just have to be proud.

Many don’t have enough money to stretch beyond the basic, day-to-day care of their human families.  And many have been forced to give up their livelihoods, homes and beloved family pets because of the current economic situation.

Others have been able to hold on to at least some of those things, and may be able to stretch their resources just a little bit more.

One person can not fix the world, the economy or the cost of gas and groceries.  But one person can save the life of a loving animal.

And no, in the grand scheme of things, rescuing a needy, helpless animal may not be the most critical thing in the world. But if you are that one person who is willing and able to do it, you can make that one animal happy and receive much happiness yourself.

The pursuit of happiness. What an incredible opportunity, gift that is.

If you can share yourself and your life with a pet in need, you will have exercised one of the very rights that we are celebrating this weekend.

To find the cat, dog, rabbit, bird, lizard or other pet that is waiting for you, visit Petfinder.com

You can search by the type of animal, size, age and geographical location that you are interested in, and find the one who can bring you a good chunk of that hard-fought happiness.

Happy Independence Day. 

More than 800 bags of cat food recalled for salmonella risk


Note: Although the risk of salmonella poisoning is a real and serious topic, I must admit to some amusement at Purina.  Their recall notice mentions the term “cat foot” several times; didn’t realize they sold those.

Nestle Purina Pet Care Company is currently participating in a voluntary food recall; the FDA announced on Monday that certain Purina cat food from a shipment to the West coast could be contaminated with Salmonella.

The brands of dry foods involved in the recall, Purina Naturals Cat Food and Friskies Grillers, are sold in pet supply, grocery and bulk stores across Sacramento.

Although no incidences or illnesses have been reported, the company is pulling 870 bags of the foods that were shipped in February.

This is the tenth instance of pet product recalls announced by the FDA thus far during 2011.

The impact of salmonella on pets and people can include vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and bloody diarrhea. But the list of illnesses for human adults and children exposed to salmonella is much longer and more serious.

These include but are not limited to the inflammation of heart chambers and valves, arterial infections and eye and urinary problems.

According to the FDA recall notice, consumers can learn if they own any of the potentially tainted food by reading two items found on the back or bottom of the bag.  The “best by” date and production code must match the following in order to be part of the recall:

  • Cat Chow Naturals Dry Cat Food (6.3 pound bag) – August 2012, code 1033108313
  • Friskies Grillers Blend Dry Cat Food (3.15 pound bag) – August 2012, code 1038108306
  • Friskies Grillers Blend Dry Cat Food (16 pound bag) – August 2012, code 1038108306

Nestle Purina asks consumers to discard any foods matching those descriptions, and to seek medical assistance if people or pets exhibit any signs of salmonella exposure.

County residents lose low-cost spay/neuter option


The Sacramento Area Animal Coalition (SAAC) announced yesterday that it must shut down its low-cost spay/neuter voucher services for Sacramento County and Citrus Heights residents. The voucher program will still be available in other areas.

Shannon Asquith, president of the non-profit SAAC, says that funding cuts have forced the closure. The voucher program is funded strictly through grants and donations, which are more difficult to come by since the economic downturn.

Vouchers will still be available to residents of the city of Sacramento, Elk Grove, Folsom, Yolo County and Rancho Cordova.

To qualify for the current SAAC voucher program, the resident must have a combined household income of $35,000 per year or less. There is a limit of four vouchers per family and the pet must be between 3 months and 7 years of age.

If a participating veterinarian determines that it is safe for the individual animal, a pregnant cat can be spayed.

Vouchers can only be used for pets that are owned; information about a low cost program for feral cats can be found on the SAAC site.

A list of other low-cost spay/neuter programs that remain available to County and Citrus Heights residents can be found by clicking here.

Investigators find 50 cats in home with animal rescuer – part 2

The president of Purrs For You, a Sacramento rescue group, is under investigation for a second case of alleged animal hoarding. Mary Klatt was given until May 20, 2011 to remove all but four of the approximately 50 cats kept in her rented home in Rancho Cordova.

Klatt received the compliance order both verbally and in writing, according to Rancho Cordova Animal Services Officer Justin Arnold. 

On May 20, Klatt reportedly admitted to Arnold that she had not complied and that the number of cats had not changed.

Klatt’s non-compliance has resulted in a citation and further contact with the owner of the home, Scott Slotterbeck, has been made.  The owner is being given time to address the situation with Klatt.

No charges have been filed against Klatt as of yet, but City of Rancho Cordova Animal Services is continuing their investigation.

The inquiry began after a witness complaint was filed with the city in early May.

Arnold received a separate complaint from a different person several weeks later; this witness had met with Klatt at the Dawes Street property on another issue and made similar allegations.

The current investigation is separate from one in January of this year when City of Sacramento Animal Control removed 85 cats and dogs from a house that Klatt owned and lived in.  Approximately 70 of the animals in that case had to be euthanized immediately due to serious and infectious diseases. 

Klatt was not charged in relation to that investigation or seizure.

In January, Klatt verbally distanced herself from her animal rescue group, repeatedly stating that she was responsible for the situation as an individual. She expressed hope that Purrs For You could continue to be effective at finding homes for adoptable cats and kittens.

Investigators find 50 cats in home with animal rescuer

As was recently reported, the president of Sacramento animal rescue group Purrs For You is under investigation for the second time since January. A complaint alleges that Mary Klatt is keeping approximately 50 cats in a Rancho Cordova home that she rents.

Rancho Cordova City Animal Services Officer Justin Arnold and another city employee reportedly went to the home at 2413 Dawes Street to investigate in early May. Klatt was present at the address at that time.

Arnold states that they observed 40 to 50 cats at that location, as had been reported in the complaint.  

Klatt was given a written notice which included details on violations at the home of licensing, rabies and zoning codes. According to Arnold, Klatt verbally agreed to bring the number of cats at the location down to the allowable number of four by the end of two weeks as required in the notice.

The two week period, ending on May 20, 2011, was identified in the written notice; further action to be taken by the City of Rancho Cordova if Klatt had not complied by that date.

A copy of the notice was also mailed to the owner of the home.

Volunteers from several other non-profits have stated that Klatt is the “go-to” person for unwanted cats and kittens in the area. Klatt reportedly takes in every cat given to her by individuals and rescue groups regardless of how many she already has or can care and find adopters for.

For more information and follow up, see part 2 of this story.