Tag Archives: adopt

Should a 5-year old roam the street alone? What about his pet?

Should little kids and pets roam freely?

Josh is a 5-year old boy who loves to play alone in his Sacramento front yard and to visit the friendly dog across the street.

Since he’s having fun he can cross the street, follow the dog around and maybe chew some gum he found on the sidewalk down the road – all by himself.

What do you mean; you wouldn’t let him do that? Why not?

It isn’t safe, that’s why. He could get lost, get hurt, pick up nasty germs or run into people or animals that he is too trusting to avoid. People make rules to keep their children safe, even though the kids can get frustrated about those limits at first.

Although pets are obviously not..

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Local vet provides lower cost pet care – even in your home

Dr. Angie Stamm, Loki, Jim and Colette Armao

Loki is named after the Norse god of mischief and until recently he lived up to his name. Now the 14-year old rescued cat is in desperate need of help.

Veterinarian Dr. Angie Stamm is treating him for triaditis, a condition involving serious inflammation of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Dr. Stamm is using a combination of Western medicine, nutrition and holistic care to help Loki feel better.

Stamm is an experienced, caring veterinarian with years of experience in traditional clinics. But after the recent birth of her third child, Stamm decided to take her business to a new level.

Stamm now provides a full range of veterinary services in retail stores all over the greater Sacramento area. This gives pet owners the flexibility to get quality animal care right in their neighborhood – or even in their own home.

Since she does not have the…

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Wherefore art thou Romeo? At the animal shelter, of course!

Forget about Juliet, Romeo is waiting just for you.

He is a real lover; the big, gorgeous Maine Coon cat likes to curl up in your lap, rub your legs and be close to you.

And the suave, boyish Romeo is raring to go and is ready to be adopted from the Sacramento County animal shelter.

The facility has many additional cats, dogs and rabbits that are each looking for a loving, permanent home.

Each day more and more animals join the huge number already needing housing, food and medical care at the shelter, and there is simply not enough space, time or money to take care of them all.

Right now there are over 225 cats at the shelter, according to Barbara Doty, coordinator for the LAPCATS program.

LAPCATS (Laguna Adoption Program County Animals TEAM Sacramento) helps find homes for many of the needy cats that come to the county shelter.

There are also a number of cats currently up for adoption that are declawed. It is important to remember that…

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Over 500 cats saved when Sacramento and Escalon work together

Like most rescue facilities this time of year, the City of Escalon animal shelter is dealing with cats – a lot of cats. With adopters hard to find, a non-profit in Sacramento has stepped in to help save over 500 of those cats.

Cats About Town Society (C.A.T.S.), a Sacramento cat rescue organization, has worked with the Escalon shelter to deal with the ongoing influx of felines. The group pulls cats from Escalon and several other shelters, and provides foster homes and care until the cats can be adopted.

C.A.T.S. also foots the bill for the Escalon cats they take to be immunized, spayed (females) or neutered (males) and treated for other medical issues.

The Escalon Animal Shelter opened four years ago to serve the needs of the small agricultural community and the place has been hopping ever since. Volunteers have been critical in helping the operation work smoothly, as the shelter has only one paid employee.

Samantha Storment has a dual role with the City of Escalon Animal Control Services; she is the shelter director as well as the City Animal Services Officer. In addition to running the shelter, she responds to animal-related complaints and licensing and shelter issues.

Lynne Olivieri, a volunteer since the shelter opened, handles many of the cat-related issues that arise at the facility. Adoptable pets appear on the City shelter website and are also available at for adoption once a month at the Sisk Road PetSmart; volunteers are always needed to help staff the adoption events.

The diversity of the shelter was evidenced during a local visit, when a volunteer was overheard saying “there’s a heron in the bathroom”. A quick visit proved…

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“Designer” kittens will brighten your wardrobe and your heart

Gucci and Prada step aside, the Mattuccis have arrived in America. The Italian handbag and shoe designers are ready to play in your closet – literally, in this case.

The Mattucci family’s self-styled flair, élan and imagination have lead to accessories so outrageous that Lady Gaga weeps at the mere thought of them.

The four siblings, Dino, Martha, Norma and Bertha, are style icons in their own right. Let’s face it – these kittens are hot.

Dino Mattucci, the only male in the clan, prefers clean and classic suits in the pewter tones of his own coat. He is as elegant, sharp and unique as the designs he offers the public.

Bertha Mae, the sleek sister dressed in black, is all about bold, feline, cutting-edge style.

Norma Louise Mattucci combines the power of…

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Cats, kittens and a Black Tie Affair

If wearing black is the ultimate fashion statement, adopting a black cat is the ultimate gesture of style and joy combined. 

Superstition, witchy tales and spooky movies have made it seem like black cats are bad luck, so if can be hard to find adopters. But ask anyone who lives with one and they’ll tell you the real story. Ebony kitties are beautiful, loving, playful and full of fun.

In celebration of these glorious creatures, Cats about Town Society (C.A.T.S.) has declared August to be a month-long “Black Tie Affair”.

Adoption fees for cats or kittens fashionably dressed in black or in “tuxedoes” (black and white) have been…

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Urgent – adopters needed today at County animal shelter



One day last month 51 cats were removed from the home of a hoarder.

One day last week large numbers of cats were dumped off, left behind and surrendered.

And on this day, hundreds of cats are being born and kittens born just a few months ago are getting pregnant.

A lot can happen in a day, and today the Sacramento County Animal Care shelter is in a crisis.

More and more animals join the huge number already needing shelter, food and medical care at the facility, and there is not enough space, time or money to take care of them all. 

Right now there are over 300…

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Kittens dumped at busy railroad crossing killed; $3,000 reward now offered for conviction


The streets near the railroad crossing at Florin Road get very busy during the early hours, as thousands of commuters rush to work and school.

To someone seeking to get rid of kittens, this hectic area may have seemed like the ideal place to dump them off without getting caught.

However, a local humane society has just announced they are offering a reward in hopes that a deed such as this does not go unpunished.
Last Monday around 6:45am, three small kittens were left in the middle of the railroad crossing intersection, just west of Florin-Perkins Road.

The kittens, one gray and two white, are believed to have been about 12 weeks old.

Although drivers tried to avoid…

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The “pound” is a positive force for Sacramento pets and people

For many people, the “pound” evokes images of animal death chambers or Cruella Deville making coats out of puppies. But the Sacramento city pound actually provides services to protect both people and animals.

Ever see a dog locked inside a car on a hot day? The City of Sacramento Animal Care services can rescue him.

See an injured stray cat on the side of the road? City Animal Care can transport her to an emergency vet.

The city shelter also helps residents with “nuisance” issues, such as that continually barking dog who lives nearby or the cat who may have bitten you.

They administer a rabies control program, rescue stray animals and assist the Sacramento SPCA, County animal shelter, police and fire departments and California Highway Patrol when needed.

But one of the most important missions of the animal shelter is to…

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Contented friends

Funny movie “Best in Show” literally puts food in the mouths of pets

Creature Double Feature


Fans of films, felines and Fido will be out in force next week when a pet-filled double feature goes to the dogs.

And to the cats too, of course.

The historic Guild Theater is the place to be on Saturday August 7th, when Sacramento’s Pet Food Bank has a “creature double feature” event to raise funds for Titanic’s Pantry.

The pantry, a non-profit entity associated with the City of Sacramento Animal Care facility, offers free pet food to residents in need of some assistance.

For more information about who qualifies for the free dog and cat food, click here.

The event will feature showings of two great animal related films.

Best in Show is a…

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Homeless kittens show up at your door – what do you do? Part 2

Loveable rescue kitten


During kitten season, a kind-hearted person in Sacramento may decide to rescue a homeless family or individual. This amazing, admirable act can bring much joy – and many, many questions.

Being compassionate enough to rescue kittens doesn’t necessarily mean you were born knowing what to do once you get the babies home.

In part 1 of this series, the immediate needs of the felines were discussed. Now that the kittens (and possibly mama cat) are in a safe place with the right food, there are some easy things you can do to help the kittens develop and ultimately be more “adoptable”.

1. If the kittens are wild and very frightened, you may not want to handle them right away. (Imagine yourself being yanked away into a scary, unknown situation with huge creatures trying a grab you all the time. Doesn’t sound fun, right?)

Keep young or noisy…

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Owner needs nursing home, cats need new home

George spent his life in Sacramento – working, raising a family and, inevitably, growing older.  Now he has to go into a nursing home and can’t keep the pet cats that have lived with him so long.

As the years passed George found he was alone; his kids had grown up and moved away, and his wife of 40 years had died from breast cancer.
His working life was long past and his aging body just wouldn’t let him do things the way it used to. He couldn’t get around much and his world shrunk to a much smaller size.
In short, George was lonely.
He remembered reading that pets were good for health and well-being, especially for people with agile minds but more fragile bodies. Companion animals could lower blood pressure, soothe feelings of depression and loneliness and provide good company.
So George adopted two…
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Fiction for felines, paperbacks for puppies – book sales raise money for animal rescue

A breezy day, a chair under a shade tree, iced tea and an interesting book– could it get much better than that?

Yes it could, if you got that book at a great price and were able to help animals at the same time.

Summer is the perfect time for books, and several Sacramento-area animal rescue groups are providing the perfect opportunity to stock up.

These days it can be tough  to go on vacations, travel extensively or have exciting adventures. But we can all take “armchair” journeys to foreign lands, fantastic castles and even to outer space if we’d like to.

Read a great book and let it transport you – and know that you are doing a great service for homeless animals in need.

Fieldhaven …

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Phoes prefers cat books

Does your cat have a cold or is it something more serious?

Sneezing, coughing, runny nose and congestion – we’ve all had these cold symptoms at some time or another.

But if your cat has them, it could be an indication of a different problem altogether.

A cat with some of those typical cold symptoms may actually have an upper respiratory infection (URI). Feline URIs won’t just go away on their own like a human cold might;  if untreated they can actually lead to life-long problems or secondary bacterial infections.

First a few facts about the infection, then we’ll talk about what you can do to avoid and treat it.

Feline (cat) URIs are not contagious to…

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With so many kittens and puppies available, why adopt an older cat or dog? Part 2

Alice recently died at age 23

Just like human children, young animals eventually grow up to be adults. While some wish their kids and pets could stay little forever, in reality we all continue aging until we don’t any more. The question is, do we lose all of our value when we become older?

Of course not.

Seniors are an extremely important part of human society; they offer wisdom, experience, vitality, humor and love that a younger person can hardly imagine. Sadly, we do not always treat our seniors well or appreciate their talents and abilities.

Could the same be said of older pets? You bet. Shelters are full of adult and senior animals that would make wonderful pets, but most people want the puppies and kittens instead.

Jamese Gallagher loves animals and has always had senior pets in her home. She rescued Alice, a gorgeous gray and white striped cat, when the 15 year old feline was abandoned in her Citrus Heights neighborhood. Alice was…

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What do Jack Nicholson, Scotch and a Lamborghini and Beemer have in common?

Scotch looks a bit tipsy

It may sound like a gossipy “news” flash from the National Enquirer, but Jack Nicholson, Scotch and a Lamborghini and Beemer DO have something innocent in common.

They are all…            continue reading at http://tiny.cc/hr667

How good are local non-profit groups? Share your opinions before July 31st

If you have ever had a direct experience with a non-profit animal rescue group, you now have the opportunity to give your opinion of the services they offer. Your feedback could help them get more funding and enhance or improve their services.

GreatNonprofits is an organization that gathers user reviews of non-profit groups across the country. If you want to rescue a cat or dog in Sacramento for example, you can check the GreatNonprofits website to learn which local groups have a positive or negative reputation.

It is important that people only rate a non-profit if they have personally dealt with them by phone or in person. Feedback based on what you’ve heard about the place from someone else is not appropriate.

If a group gets at least 10 positive reviews by July 31st, they will be on a list of top-rated animal welfare non-profits. This gives the organization exposure to…

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"Z", a cool rescued cat in Sacramento

Do you feel lucky? All signs point to yes

Some people believe that a rabbit’s foot, gambling in a lucky hat or placing the living room sofa in a certain direction will bring prosperity and good fortune. But now there are three lucky charms that can make you a hero.

Picture this – a young mother cat and her son and daughter are abandoned on the street in Sacramento. It is hard for mom to keep everyone safe and to find enough food and water so she can nourish them.

Doesn’t sound too lucky so far, does it?

But a kind woman found them and took them home. That sure was fortunate for them. They were fed, immunized, flea-treated and spayed (females) and neutered (boys). The woman socialized them and they’re now ready to be adopted.

And they are an unusual little cat family because of their unique coloration.

All three are gray and white with big, beautiful eyes.  But mom and both kittens have white fur in the shape of…

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Lucky kitties

Glee characters may be based on Sacramento natives

Quinn, Puck and Rachel

Is it possible that characters from the show Glee are based on some talented youngsters in Sacramento?

Yup, it could be.

Or so it seems to the people that rescued a litter of wonderful, talented kittens. Three of the kittens – Rachel, Puck and Quinn – are ready to be adopted, and they’ll sing their way right into your heart.

The baby cats do have some things in common with the TV characters that share their names, but the kittens are much more fun to have around.

Like the character on Glee, the “real” Rachel is lovely and a bit shy in social gatherings. But there the similarity ends. Kitten Rachel is no diva, and she makes…

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Free open house event this Saturday; bring the family to meet extraordinary animals

Seinfeld, a permanent resident of Bliss


Animals that have special health-care needs – or who are old or less sociable – don’t survive long in most animal shelters.  It is expensive and time consuming to care for them, and economic necessity makes shelters focus their resources on the animals that can potentially find homes.

Thankfully A Chance for Bliss was formed to help address the needs of those rejected special needs animals. The sanctuary is located in Penryn, a short drive from Sacramento.

This Saturday, Bliss will be having a special Open House. The group has open houses each month, but this was promises to be even better than usual.

In addition to meeting these happy, wonderful animals…

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